
2015 Edgar Award Winners Announced

The Mystery Writers of America announced the winners for the 2015 Edgar Awards as follows:

Best Novel: MR. MERCEDES, by Stephen King (Scribner)文藝春秋より刊行予定
Best First Novel: DRY BONES IN THE VALLEY, by Tom Bouman (Norton)早川書房より刊行予定
Best Paperback Original: THE SECRET HISTORY OF LAS VEGAS, by Chris Albani (Penguin Random)
Best Short Story: "What Do You Do?" by Gillian Flynn (in ROGUES; Bantam Spectra)
Best Critical/Biographical: POE-LAND, by J.W. Ocker (Norton/Countryman Press)
Best Fact Crime: TINSELTOWN, by William Mann (HarperCollins)
Best Juvenile: GREENGLASS HOUSE, by Kate Milford (Clarion Books)
Best Young Adult: THE ART OF SECRETS, by James Klise (Algonquin)
Best Television Episode: "Episode 1," teleplay by Sally Wainwright (for "Happy Valley"; Netflix)
Robet L. Fish Award: "Getaway Girl," by Zoe Z. Dean (EQMM, November 2014)
Grand Master Awards: Lois Duncan and James Ellroy
Raven Awards: Ruth & Jon Jordan (Crimespree Magazine) and Kathryn Kennison (Magna Cum Murder)
Ellery Queen Award: Charles Ardai (Hard Case Crime)
Mary Higgins Clark Award: THE STRANGER YOU KNOW, by Jane Casey (Minotaur)
Distinguished Service Award: Charles Todd (for his 14 years of service to MWA)

The Edgar Awards were announced on April 29, 2015 at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in New York City. (April 30, 2015)

●候補作一覧はコチラ→ 最新海外ミステリーニュース20150122

2015 Agatha Award Winners Announced

Malice Domestic announced the winners for the 2015 Agatha awards as follows:

Lifetime Achievement Award: Sara Paretsky
Best Comtemporary Novel: TRUTH BE TOLD, by Hank Phillippi Ryan (Forge)
Best Historical Novel: QUEEN OF HEARTS, by Rhys Bowen (Berkley)
Best First Novel: WELL READ, THEN DEAD, by Terrie Farley Moran (Berkley)
Best Non-fiction: WRITES OF PASSAGE, edited by Hank Phillippi Ryan (Henery Press)
Best Short Story: "The Odds Are Against Us," by Art Taylor (EQMM, November 2014)
Best Children's/Young Adult Novel: THE MUMMY'S CURSE, by Penny Warner (Egmont USA)

暗号クラブ4 よみがえったミイラ

暗号クラブ4 よみがえったミイラ

The Agatha winners were announced on May 2 during the Malice Domestic conference held in Bethesda, Maryland. (May 03, 2015)

●候補作一覧はコチラ→ 最新海外ミステリーニュース20150202

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