
2014 Barry Award Nominees Announced

Deadly Pleasures Mystery Magazine has announced the nominees for the Barry Awards as follows:

Best Novel:
A Conspiracy of Faith, by Jussi Adler-Olsen (Dutton)

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特捜部Q ―カルテ番号64― (ハヤカワ・ポケット・ミステリ)

A Tap on the Window, by Linwood Barclay (New American Library)
Sandrine's Case, by Thomas H. Cook (Mysterious Press)
Suspect, by Robert Crais (Putnam)
Ordinary Grace, by William Kent Krueger (Atria)
Standing in Another Man's Grave, by Ian Rankin (Reagan Arthur)

Best First Novel:
Burial Rites, by Hannah Kent (Little, Brown)
Japantown, by Barry Lancet (Simon & Schuster)
The Bookman's Tale, by Charlie Lovett (Viking)
Rage Against the Dying, by Becky Masterman (Minotaur)



Cover of Snow, by Jenny Milchman (Ballantine)
Norwegian by Night, by Derek B. Miller (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt)

Best Paperback Original:
Joe Victim, by Paul Cleave (Atria)
Disciple of Las Vegas, by Ian Hamilton (Picador)
The Rage, by Gene Kerrigan (Europa Editions)
I Hear the Sirens in the Street, by Adrian McKinty (Seventh Street)
Fear in the Sunlight, by Nicola Upson (Harper)
Fixing to Die, by Elaine Viets (Signet)

Best Thriller:
Dead Lions, by Mick Herron (Soho Crime)
Ghostman, by Roger Hobbs (Knopf)
Red Sparrow, by Jason Matthews (Scribner)
レッド・スパロー (上) (ハヤカワ文庫 NV) レッド・スパロー (下) (ハヤカワ文庫 NV)
The Shanghai Factor, by Charles McCarry (Mysterious Press)
Ratlines, by Stuart Neville (Soho Crime)
The Doll, by Taylor Stevens (Crown)

The winners will be announced during Bouchercon to be held in Long Beach, California this November.

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