
2014 Hammett Prize Nominees Announced

The North American Branch of the International Association of Crime Writers has announced the nominees for their their annual HAMMETT PRIZE for a work of literary excellence in the field of crime writing by a US or Canadian author. The nominees are as follows:

CATARACT CITY, by Craig Davidson (Doubleday Canada)
GREEN LIGHT FOR MURDER, by Heywood Gould (Tyrus Books)
ANGEL BABY, by Richard Lange (Mulholland Books)
CAUGHT, by Lisa Moore (House of Anansi Press)
THE DOUBLE, by George P. Pelecanos (Little, Brown)

The prize winner will be announded during the Bloody Words Conference, in Toronto, June 6-8.

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君と歩く世界 (集英社文庫)

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夜は終わらない (ハヤカワ・ポケット・ミステリ)