
Hammett Prize Nominees Announced

The North American Branch of the International Association of Crime Writers (IACW/NA) annoucned the nominees for the 2012 Hammett Prize as follows:

FEAST DAY OF FOOLS, by James Lee Burke (Simon & Schuster)
CLAIRE DeWITT AND THE CITY OF THE DEAD, by Sara Gran (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt)
THE CAT'S TABLE, by Michael Ondaatje (McClelland & Stewart, Canada; Knopf, US)
THE INFORMANT, by Thomas Perry (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt/Otto Penzler Books)
THE KILLER IS DYING, by James Sallis (Walker)

The winner will be announced during the Bloody Words Conference to be held in Toronto from June 1 thru 3.

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